
  1. Installation how to - The download page contains an installation how to. We recomend it to be read first to make sure everything is set correctly.
  2. Tutorial - Short tutorial on this page will introduce you to touchqode editor.
  3. FAQ - Other questions you may ask are answered in the faq section.
  4. Known issues

Installation HOW-TO

You can go to download page if you want to use barcode scanner and QR codes for download.

Current version supports Android only. We plan to release an iPhone version in near future.

How to install application:

  1. If you have installed previous version of touchqode from our website please uninstall it manually (Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> Touchqode -> uninstall)
  2. Install touchqode from the Android market. Use "touchqode editor app" QR on the download page. You can also follow the link from your mobile phone: download touchqode
  3. Part of the package is a special developer keyboard. To enable it follow the instructions during the first start of touchqode. (In case you missed the instructions - go to Settings/Locale and Text/enable Touchqode. Then long press on any input box, choose "Input method" and pick Touchqode)
  4. Part of the package is also internal file browser - no need to install external one anymore! Install OI File Manager from android market (search for OI File Manager) or from the QR on the left. It will let you browse project directories on your phone.
  5. Make sure you check the brief tutorial and FAQ. Do not miss few words about synchronization.
  6. If you want to run some of your code (only for some file types and some simple programs), use instructions here or just hit Save&Run in the menu and run it online.
  7. You are ready to rock!

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